The beginnings of the new school building which is being built next to the current site.
Met with Linda Taylor who is Head of Arts at Winifred Holtby School. The school used to be called Bransholme High but is now named after the novelist and journalist. The school has won technology status.
Linda talked about some interesting projects she has run in the school - students enjoy experimenting with the kiln and with sculpture, mosaic, photography.
Linda also talked about the school's partnership with the Albert Academy in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Hull is twinned with Freetown and was the first city to twin with a third world city. One of the main streets in the city centre has been named after it (Freetown Way).
It seemed like a really positive that students at the school would have the opportunity to learn about somewhere abroad.
"Over recent months, we have worked with Dorchester Primary School and Sutton Park Primary School to form a cluster partnership with three schools in Freetown, Sierra Leone (Albert Academy Senior School, Cathedral Primary and Conforti Primary). This has included us exchanging students’ work, videos and developing communication between the schools. In 2008, we were successful with our bid for funding from the British Council. This meant that we could extend our partnership work and plan for the first of two reciprocal visits. The first of these took place in August 2008 and staff from the three Hull schools; alongside the Head Teacher from St. Richards Primary) travelled to Freetown."
Quoted from the Winifred Holtby Website.
http://www.winifred-holtby.hull.sch.uk/global/global.htmlLinda was running an art exchange project getting students to map out their journey to School and visually represent things that they see on the way. With plans to get students in Sierra Leone to do the same.
It seems that education in Hull (Linda and WH included) does alot to share knowledge and information between schools and colleges. We talked about how it would be good to perhaps do an art project where students worked / collaborated with older generations or University students.