Met with Bert who started the 'Patient Engagement Group' (PEG) with the NHS and is also now the Chairman for the PEG in Bransholme. He's one of 6 Ambassadors for the NHS in the area. He helps to provide provision and care for the elderly in the own homes. He's also on the 'Overview and Regeneration and Scrutiny Committee'. So he's obviously someone who is very engaged and passionate about Bransholme!
Bert reminded me about The Garths being named after 2nd World War Air Fields (alot of them emergency airfields) something that Paul Holloway had talked about.
"The Garth's are like the jewels of Bransholme"
"We demanded to keep the fields and greenery"
Bert talked about how their is a large variety of Orchids in the Noddle Hill Nature Reserves nearby and though that it would be good to havethe arts in the health centre link in with the greenery in the area.
Bert mentioned how proud the area was to have the Queen visit the Garths 8 years ago. "She came and had tea in the sheltered bungalows."
Bert also gave me details of the Bransholme archives in St James' Church in Sutton Village. The archive is run by volunteers who are experts on the area as alot of them live in the area, it is open on Fridays so it will be great to try and make a visit.
There's loads of information on their website:
Bert used to be a member of the Lambworth Hall club which I read an article about in Hull Daily Mail. It is no longer a club unfortunately, it has been converted into flats. This is where the police stables used to be.

best street in the world lol